Eye Health & vision exams
Our Optometrists will provide a comprehensive eye health and vision exam including an updated spectacle prescription. Regularly scheduled eye exams are a critical part of health maintenance for everyone. It is recommended that adults have their eyes examined every two years and seniors and children be examined every year.

Contact Lens Exams
Contacts lenses offer you an excellent alternative choice for your specific vision and lifestyle needs. It is important that contacts be evaluated for proper fit and best comfort. We provide education and training to assure the contact lens selection is the best option for you.

Children's Eye Exams
Children should have complete eye exams annually to monitor vision, eye health and ensure proper development.
“Since 80% of a child’s learning is based on vision, excellent sight and eye health are critical to a child’s development”
- BC Doctors of Optometry

Urgent Care
We provide rapid diagnosis and treatment of eye health concerns. If you are noticing any sudden changes in your vision, have eye irritation or redness, we will evaluate you as soon as possible. Our Optometrist is an independent primary health provider offering you and your family primary eye care including prescribed medications and referrals to Ophthalmology and other health care professionals where necessary.

Additional Services
Dry Eye Management
Digital Retinal Imaging
Optical Coherence Tomography
Visual Field Testing
Surgery Co-Management
Bleph-Ex Treatments